Kali Linux has been installed some packages for fill the requirements of w3af.
- openssl ==> 16.2.0
- lxml ==> 3.7.1
sudo apt install -y python-pybloomfiltermmap
- pybloomfiltermmap ==> 0.3.15
Install w3af:
git clone https://github.com/andresriancho/w3af.git
update the version in requiremenets.py
vim ~/w3af/w3af/core/controllers/dependency_check/requirements.py
- PIPDependency('pybloomfilter', 'pybloomfiltermmap', '0.3.15'),
- PIPDependency('OpenSSL', 'pyOpenSSL', '16.2.0'),
- PIPDependency('lxml', 'lxml', '3.7.1'),
update mac version dependency_check
vim ~/w3af/w3af/core/controllers/dependency_check/platforms/mac.py
- MAC_CORE_PIP_PACKAGES.remove(PIPDependency('pybloomfilter', 'pybloomfiltermmap', '0.3.15')
And the script will be generated to /tmp/w3af_dependency_install.sh
Then execute the scripts and finish the installation.